VISION: With Vibrant Hope we come to church to be immersed in His presence where Face to Face meetings with God are expected. Our joy is to empower you to live freely in your God given identity and to walk with you as you carry that out.
“Write the visionAnd make it plain on tablets,That he may run who reads it.3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time;But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.Though it tarries, wait for it;Because it will surely come,It will not tarry.
Why is it so important to write the vision and make it plain? When we all come into unity about a matter we come into a place of agreement and according to Matthew 18 the place of agreement is the place of power. We see this over and over in the Word of God. When Solomon dedicated the temple the worshipers were sent out to lead the people and the glory of the Lord filled the temple and the priests could not stand to do their duties because God’s presence was so strong it knocked them over. On the day of Pentecost the 120 were waiting in the upper room for the Holy Spirit because Jesus said to wait. When they all came in unity the Spirit of God filled the room like a rushing mighty wind and the 120 were changed by the presence of God which was evident to everyone that day. Again in Acts 4 when the new converts were in a house praying for Peter and John who were arrested for healing the beggar at the Gate called Beautiful, they all came in unity and the house shook were they were praying and Peter and John were released and came to join them. We also know of Paul and Silas who were in jail for preaching the gospel and as they worshiped the Lord the shackles fell from them and the prison doors opened and they were released.
Coming in unity around a single purpose changes things. It will change things in your lives and in your homes. Our goal is to provide you with an example of what it looks like to have a vision, make it plain and come in unity to see it fulfilled, as we do this as a body we trust you will do the same in your homes.