all about family

It really is all about family…when I was growing up every Sunday we would sing the same song in church after the offering was received. The piano would start and the Pastor would get up and lead us in this simple chorus…”I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God, I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood, joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod, I’m a part of the family the family of God.” Then we would greet one another and hug and take several minutes loving on each other.
God set up the earth to reflect Heaven and Heaven is filled with family. The trinity represents that for us, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The three are distinct yet one and they work together in perfect harmony. God began the earth with a family using these relationships as models for how the kingdom of Heaven operates. The plan for fathers and mothers is very important to the Lord. Malachi 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers [a reconciliation produced by repentance]
Oz and I are extremely vested in our little family. We have had so many areas in our marriage where we see things differently but when it came to our children, we rarely disagreed. These children have been given to us on loan from the Lord and He believes that we are the best people to raise them and build them up in Him so I have to believe the same. There were times that I remember waiting for their mom to show up and take over. I was overwhelmed with 3 little ones in 4 years and circumstances would come up and I would not be sure if we were making the best decisions. After all each child is different and the things each one faced came out of left field, without the help of the Holy Spirit we would not have been able to overcome.
In church at the same time Oz and I were parenting the children of the church, as much as they would allow us to. We would love having anyone of them to our home and laugh with them, love them and of course, FEED them. I personally feel that each one of our kids in kid’s church belongs to me and I am happiest when my table is packed with people laughing and encouraging them that they are overcomers. For many years I would thank the Lord for my babies and I knew I was not just referring to Ty, Mitch and Liza, the Lord had put His people on my heart and I was carrying them in the Spirit.
Many times over the years I would find myself just crying out for the babies, the ones that belonged to the Lord that needed a momma. Children that were to become part of my family and children all over the world that were to become God’s family. My hearts cry is for the babies. We all parent based on what we have seen and what is familiar to us. Some are teachers, always teaching their children, some are providers, they help provide the natural needs of their children. I am a spiritual mom, I see children, children of all ages, the way the Lord sees them. Almost to a fault I see the gold in people and I call it out of them whether or not they want to see it. It has taken me decades to learn that this is a form of prophecy to speak and declare words from the Lord that are encouraging, to partner with what God says and declare it brings power to bring these declarations to pass.
I have also been inspired recently that these declarations do not force people to become the gold that the Lord shows me, actually it is not up to God whether or not each of us reaches our potential. We have everything to do with becoming who He says we are. I realize I am a champion of people. I meet you and almost always see who you are from Heaven’s perspective. This gift from the Lord enables me to love the unlovely and to have grace for so many people that would otherwise be rejected.
As a momma it is the greatest joy of my life. The bible says that love believes the best in every situation. It always hopes always believes and it never fails. As a church family I encourage you to ask the Lord for His eyes. As we endeavor to create community and safety at The River let’s all ask the Lord for His eyes for each other. Let’s begin to see each other the way the Lord does and then make declarations about each other. This will draw the Lord into our relationships and into our services as He is attracted to love and will want partner with us as we agree with His word concerning one another.