encounter, equip, empower

“With vibrant hope we come to church to be immersed in His presence where Face to Face Encounters with God are expected. It is our joy to Equip and Empower each other to live freely in our God given identity and to walk with each other as we carry that out.”
Encounter: We Believe God’s presence is life changing and destiny altering.
Equip: We Believe in learning more so that we can live with intention.
Empower: We celebrate the gifts inside of you and help you reach your potential.
As we move into this next season, our vision is clear and our focus has been honed. We have set ourselves aside to pray and seek the Lord this summer and our prayers have been fruitful. We have confirmation which has given us confidence that the path is well lite and our plans are to prosper. We are excited that what we have set out to do over 25 years ago is still the cry of our hearts. We seek the Lord and we seek His presence. Our main purpose for the River is Him, encounters with the living God. Our passion is to provide a place where people of all ages can come and be introduced and grow deeper in their personal relationship with God. Encounters change everything. Moses encountered God on Mt. Sinai, Abraham Encountered God when sacrificing Isaac, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Encountered God in the fiery furnace, Saul Encountered God on the Road to Damascus, the disciples Encountered God in the Upper Room. What will be your Encounter? How will it change YOU?
Join us Sundays in September as Pastor Oz and Jane release Encounters, Equip You to Minister and Empower the Gifts inside of you.