The bible is filled with many promises for the children of God. We have an inheritance as His children that we do not have to work for; it is ours simply because we are in the family. But just like a natural inheritance, if I do not sign for it, the inheritance remains unclaimed. As a child of God I inherit divine heath, freedom from sin and a Father who promises to meet my needs. Because the bible clearly offers these benefits Ps. 103, I can claim them as mine.
Attorneys often are hired to facilitate a person’s will, Jesus made sure the Father’s will would be done by dying on the cross. When he finished His work Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of our inheritance except two, we have to believe we qualify and we have to receive the terms. For many Christians believing that they qualify takes a lifetime.
Each person’s identity has been paid for and positionally we are seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Many just don’t believe it. So much of our life is spent wrestling over our past and listening to our present circumstances that we miss the provisions of the will the Father set before us.
What Jesus did for us has nothing to do with us. It has everything to do with the Father and His will, just as a natural will has nothing to do with the inheritor but everything to do with the will of the one who left it. When Jesus defeated, sin, sickness and poverty they became ours for the receiving. We have no attorney’s office to go to or document to sign; we have the words of our mouths and the condition of our hearts by which we receive the inheritance.
But what about the other promises found in God’s word? They are not all part of our inheritance in the same way sin, sickness and poverty are. For example, I can only grow in favor to the extent that my character can handle the favor given. The gifts of the Spirit operate as the Spirit wills not because I am a child of God. He gives us these gifts to minister to the people around us and if there are no people around us we are less likely to need the gifts.
But sin, sickness and poverty, they are bought and paid for. They belong to me because the Father willed it and Jesus paid for them. When I believe they belong to me, that my name is listed as a recipient of the will and I receive these benefits, then there isn’t anything anyone can do to prevent me from accessing them.
Are you a child of God, have you received Him as the Lord of your life? Than your inheritance is waiting for you.