the legacy mind set

Be Patient?! HOW?!
Never have I considered the importance of legacy until recent years as I have been introduced to this mindset through varies teachers that have been brought into my life. And then recently my son said something to me that really stuck…in pondering his own life goals he determined that his life would be well invested making a place for his future generations. Then it really struck me and has stuck with me that I am truly not here on this earth right now just for myself and my own self-centered goals and passions, I am truly here for a greater purpose and a greater destiny that I will never attain. I am here for those that follow after me.
Pastor Oz and I received a prophetic word long ago before we were married that we have carried with us all these years. This prophetic word had everything to do with our marriage, our ministry and our children. Our dreams were always tied to our children and their destiny. We truly believed that we would never see the fullness of what the Lord had in store for us until we saw it through our children. We have witnessed so much of this dream already but we truly believe we are about to see so much more. The Lord is faithful, never late and never in a hurry. He has perfect timing and He is long suffering, waiting for us to realize who He has called us to be and working alongside us to see this come to pass. He is more interested in our journey than our final destination.
I have read Hebrews 12 many times and hear the testimonies of great men and women of faith who often left this earth before seeing their promise. Focus, putting things in focus is so important because when I begin to take off my glasses and try to put on God’s I begin to see just slightly how He sees things. His time is not like our time. His ways are not like our ways. Usually I want what I want when I want it. God is not that way, His fruit is not that way either. The fruit of His Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, kindness, long suffering and self-control. Meditate on that. This fruit is a result of our relationship with Him. We bear much fruit as He is in us and as we are in Him.
Living with the mind set of legacy changes our focus, broadens our horizons, causes us to think beyond our finite perspective. The bible tells us to live for today, but that has to do with problems and worry, not to pick up what doesn’t belong to us and to live in the moment, be present. Living from sustainability gives us pause to consider that my actions have reactions and my decisions have consequences, I am not just here on this earth to accomplish my dreams and my passions, I have a greater purpose and so do you!